VoIP service providers network access

Main text
Annex 1: Definitions and interpretations
Annex 2: Service description
Annex 2.1: VoIP use traffic services
Annex 2.2: Link services for network access for use of VoIP
Annex 3: Fees

Annex 3. 1: Collection principles

Annex 3. 2: Fees

Annex 3. 3: Calculation of service fees

Annex 3. 4: Conditions for the provision and renewal of a bank guarantee

Annex 3. 5: Resolution of bill-related complaints


Appendix A: Forms

Appendix А.1: Network access link request form

Appendix А.2:Traffic forecast form

Appendix А.3: Bank guarantee form

Appendix Б: Archives and files

Appendix Б.1: Archiving service provisioning schedules

Appendix Б.2: Archiving traffic forecasts

Appendix Б.3: Archiving bank guarantees

Appendix В: Contact Points

Appendix В.1: Authorizations granted to contact and communication persons

Appendix В.2: Contact persons and data

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